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Building Bridges: Paving the Way for an Inclusive Cityscape

Ah, what a beautiful day it was! The sun, doing its usual thing, shining bright. People hustling to work, just like any other day. And there I was, off for my fieldwork, part of a research project I'd done the previous year on displaced communities in India.

The place I visited had this interesting division – they called one half 'Pakistan', filled with Muslim families, and the other 'Hindustan', home to Hindu families. Stepping into this society, I could sense a desperate need. They craved to be heard, to be brought together, to belong to a city that included them, like Ahmedabad.

I talked about this with my professors, urban planners, and regular folks, and you know what? Most were unaware of these divided communities and the way they were segregated. After diving deep into research, I finally grasped the root cause – a disconnect. Even though they lived within a 45 square kilometer city stretch, they felt miles apart in community bonding.

The big issue? It's the communal divide, a hurdle that stuck out glaringly in this scenario. What's needed? A sustainable way to create enduring knowledge, guided by a robust, diverse governance structure. It's about finding ways to connect people, to build a cohesive, inclusive, and smart city.

I've always championed the idea that "Development is for ALL." The key to a sustainable city lies in initiating and nurturing conversations among its people. That's where 'Awaaz Do!,' my brainchild program, comes into play. It's designed to facilitate faster and effective communication among city dwellers, regardless of their background or access to high-tech gadgets.

Improved communication fosters better dialogues, triggering not just conversations but a shift in behaviors and attitudes toward a more inclusive way of life. What we need is a platform that offers multiple channels for meaningful dialogues between people and the city they live in.

I propose a 'people-city-people' approach – a space where sustainable knowledge thrives and where understanding each other is key. This communication space won't just talk; it'll promote action-oriented decision-making and ensure information flow to every corner of society.

Let me leave you with a poem that envisions an ideal city:

"Envision a day, when the poor question the rich's ways,

when the affected bravely confront the unaffected's gaze,

when the underprivileged challenge the privileged's lot,

asking, 'What blessings do you bear, that I have not?'

and then, a voice resounds –

a voice pursuing empathy, not mere aid's clout,

prizing toil as greatly as riches' rout,

Imagine a day, oh, envisage this bout."

Our world is shaped by us, from exploiting nature to preserving it. It's crucial to start conversations not only with the nature we're working with but also with the city we inhabit. It's not just about talking; it's about ensuring everyone understands. To achieve complete communication, we need knowledge, awareness, and the right attitude. And with that, creating a win-win situation becomes possible for all.


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